Yuta KUSAKABE / 日下部 佑太Kusakabe Yuta

Associate Professor

Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan

Curriculum Vitae

E-mail: kusakabe[at]math.kyushu-u.ac.jp, kusakape[at]gmail.com

Research interests: Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry
Keywords: Oka principle, Oka manifold, Stein space, Gromov ellipticity

Photo: Penguins' Jôku-Ikô / 上空移行
(cf. Oka's Jôku-Ikô Principle [Oka, 1936])


  1. Oka tubes in holomorphic line bundles. (with F. Forstnerič)
  2. On the fundamental groups of subelliptic varieties.
  3. Surjective morphisms onto subelliptic varieties.
  4. Oka properties of complements of holomorphically convex sets.
    Ann. of Math. (2), 199(2): 899–917, 2024
  5. Thom's jet transversality theorem for regular maps.
    J. Geom. Anal., 31(6):6031–6041, 2021
  6. An implicit function theorem for sprays and applications to Oka theory.
    Internat. J. Math., 31(9):2050071, 9, 2020
  7. Elliptic characterization and unification of Oka maps.
    Math. Z., 298(3–4):1735–1750, 2021
  8. Oka complements of countable sets and nonelliptic Oka manifolds.
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148(3):1233–1238, 2020
  9. Elliptic characterization and localization of Oka manifolds.
    Indiana Univ. Math. J., 70(3):1039–1054, 2021
  10. Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps and applications to universal maps.
    Internat. J. Math., 28(4):1750028, 15, 2017


  1. Gromovの楕円幾何学から岡の原理へ. (Japanese)
    現代数学 (連載, 2024年4月号–), 現代数学社, 2024–
  2. 岡多様体と楕円性. (Japanese)
    日本数学会2021年度年会講演アブストラクト, 2021
  3. Characterizations of Oka manifolds by holomorphic flexibilities. (Japanese)
    RIMS Kôkyûroku, 2175:101–107, 2021
  4. 岡の原理と楕円性. (Japanese)
    第62回函数論シンポジウム講演アブストラクト, 2019
  5. Survey of holomorphic homotopy theory. (Japanese)
    代数学特論レポート, 2018


  1. 複素解析学における剛性と柔軟性. (online)
    Academic Frontier Lecture Series, 3 & 10 July 2024
  2. TBA
    Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis, The University of Tokyo, 17 June 2024
  3. Toward Gromov's Oka principle with growth conditions.
    Fukuoka Complex Analysis Seminar, Kyushu University, 21 May 2024
  4. Levi問題から岡の原理へ、そして新たなLevi問題へ.
    Colloquium, Kyushu University, 16 May 2024
  5. 岡領域と双対Levi問題.
    The 11th Fukuoka Complex Analysis Symposium, Kyushu University, 16 March 2024
  6. Dynamical methods in Gromov's elliptic geometry.
    Workshop on Dynamics in Arithmetic and Complex Geometry and its Applications, Osaka Metropolitan University, 16–19 January 2024
  7. Oka tubes in holomorphic line bundles. (online)
    Online Differential Geometry Seminar, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, 19 December 2023
  8. Oka tubes in holomorphic line bundles.
    Winter Seminar on Several Complex Variables 2023, University of Tsukuba, 15–17 December 2023
  9. Gromov's elliptic geometry from the viewpoints of foliations and dynamics.
    Problems on Foliations and Dynamics in Complex Geometry, RIMS, Kyoto University, 20–22 November 2023
  10. Toward Gromov's Oka principle with growth conditions.
    Complex Analysis Seminar, University of Ljubljana, 10 October 2023
  11. Gromov ellipticity in complex analytic geometry and algebraic geometry.
    Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2023, Pusan National University, 9–12 August 2023
  12. Surjective morphisms onto Gromov elliptic varieties.
    Oka Theory and Complex Geometry Conference, Summer 2023, Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid, 19–23 June 2023
  13. Gromov ellipticity in complex analytic geometry and algebraic geometry.
    Complex Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamics - Portorož 2023, Hotel Histrion, Portorož, 5–9 June 2023
  14. Surjective morphisms onto subelliptic varieties.
    Workshop on Complex Geometry in Osaka 2023, Osaka University, 22–24 March 2023
  15. 複素解析幾何と代数幾何における楕円性について.
    OCAMI Complex Analysis Seminar, Osaka Metropolitan University, 21 February 2023
  16. Oka theory for algebraic manifolds. (online)
    Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Osaka University, 6 June 2022
  17. 岡多様体と双対Levi問題.
    Colloquium, Kyoto University, 27 April 2022
  18. 岡多様体と楕円性. (online)
    The 17th Kagoshima Algebra-Analysis-Geometry Seminar, 16–18 February 2022
  19. Oka manifolds and ellipticity. (online)
    The 7th KTGU Mathematics Workshop for Young Researchers, Kyoto University, 14–15 February 2022
  20. Elliptic characterization and unification of Oka maps. (online)
    Workshop on Geometry of Foliations and its Applications, 10–12 December 2021
  21. Oka theory for algebraic manifolds. (online)
    Tokyo-Kyoto Algebraic Geometry Seminar, 30 November 2021
  22. Oka theory for algebraic manifolds. (online)
    Miyako-no-Seihoku Algebraic Geometry Symposium 2021, Waseda University, 17–20 August 2021
  23. Oka manifolds and the dual Levi problem. (online)
    HAYAMA Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XXII, 22–25 July 2021
  24. 複素解析学における剛性と柔軟性. (online)
    Galois Festival 2021, Kyoto University, 15 June 2021
  25. Oka manifolds and the dual Levi problem. (online)
    Differential Topology Seminar, Kyoto University, 25 May 2021
  26. 岡多様体と楕円性. (invited by Complex Analysis Section, online)
    MSJ Spring Meeting 2021, Keio University, 15–18 March 2021
  27. The Oka principle and the dual Levi problem. (online)
    Grauert Theory and Recent Complex Geometry, Osaka City University, 6–9 February 2021
  28. 岡多様体と楕円性. (online)
    Young Mathematicians Online Workshop on Several Complex Variables, Osaka City University, 25 November–16 December 2020
  29. 多項式凸集合の補空間の岡性.
    Geometry Seminar, Osaka University, 9 November 2020
  30. 多項式凸集合の補空間の岡性. (online)
    MSJ Autumn Meeting 2020, Kumamoto University, 22–25 September 2020
  31. Oka properties of complements of holomorphically convex sets. (online)
    Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis, The University of Tokyo, 29 June 2020
  32. Elliptic characterization of the Oka principle. (online)
    Virtual Conference on Complex Analysis and Complex Geometry, Western University's online system OWL, 4 May–14 June 2020
  33. Oka complements of countable sets and non-elliptic Oka manifolds.
    Winter Seminar on Several Complex Variables 2019, Tohoku University, 21–23 December 2019
  34. 柏原の定理と $\partial\bar\partial$-lemma.
    Kodaira's Theory on Complex Manifolds and its Development, Osaka City University, 8–9 December 2019
  35. Dense entire curves and Oka manifolds.
    Rational Points on Higher Dimensional Varieties, RIMS, Kyoto University, 2–6 December 2019
  36. 岡の原理と楕円性.
    62nd Symposium on Function Theory, Daido University, 2–4 November 2019
  37. Elliptic characterization and localization of Oka manifolds.
    Tohoku Complex Analysis Seminar, Tohoku University, 2 October 2019
  38. 岡多様体と楕円性.
    54th Summer Seminar on Function Theory, Izu Nagaoka Onsen Otori-so, Shizuoka, 28–30 August 2019
  39. Oka principle and relative ellipticity.
    Workshop on Holomorphic Maps, Pluripotentials and Complex Geometry, Shizuoka Prefecture Gender Equality Center "Azalea", Shizuoka, 26–29 March 2019
  40. 岡の原理と楕円性 (1 & 2).
    Contact Structures, Singularities, Differential Equations and Related Topics, Shizuoka Prefecture Gender Equality Center "Azalea", Shizuoka, 28–31 January 2019
  41. Elliptic characterization and localization of Oka manifolds.
    The 24th Symposium on Complex Geometry, Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa, 13–16 November 2018
  42. Elliptic characterization and localization of Oka manifolds.
    Stein Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings 2018, University of Ljubljana, 17–21 September 2018
  43. Elliptic characterization and localization of Oka manifolds.
    53rd Summer Seminar on Function Theory, Active Resorts FUKUOKA YAHATA, Fukuoka, 24–26 August 2018
  44. Holomorphic flexibility properties of mapping spaces.
    HAYAMA Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XX & Pacific Rim Complex-Symplectic Geometry Conference, Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa, 13–17 July 2018
  45. Holomorphic maps with dense images.
    Winter Seminar on Several Complex Variables 2017, Tokyo University of Science, 22–24 December 2017
  46. Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps.
    Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry 2017, Capital Normal University, 9–11 December 2017
  47. Characterizations of Oka manifolds by entire curves.
    Topology of Pseudoconvex Domains and Analysis of Reproducing Kernels, RIMS, Kyoto University, 20–22 November 2017
  48. Dense holomorphic curves and universal holomorphic maps.
    52nd Summer Seminar on Function Theory, Kanpo no Yado Yanagawa, Fukuoka, 6–8 September 2017
  49. Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps.
    Seminar on Analytic Geometry, Nagoya University, 1 May 2017
  50. Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps.
    Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis, The University of Tokyo, 17 April 2017
  51. Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps.
    Geometry Seminar, Osaka University, 10 April 2017
  52. Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps.
    Komaba Seminar on Complex Geometry, The University of Tokyo, 6–8 March 2017
  53. Holomorphic flexibility properties of configuration spaces, symmetric products and Douady spaces.
    51st Summer Seminar on Function Theory, Hotel Sekifu, Yamanashi, 2–4 September 2016

Curriculum Vitae

Yuta Kusakabe
Born on May 22, 1993 in Aichi, Japan.
Married, one son.


September 2020
Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Advisor: Katsutoshi Yamanoi
March 2018
Master of Science
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Advisor: Katsutoshi Yamanoi
March 2016
Bachelor of Science
School of Science, Nagoya University
Advisor: Takeo Ohsawa

Employment / Fellowships

April 2024–
Associate Professor
Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University
December 2020–March 2024
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
October 2020–November 2020
JSPS Research Fellow (PD)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
April 2018–September 2020
JSPS Research Fellow (DC1)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
April 2017–March 2018
Research Assistant
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University


April 2020–
The Mathematical Society of Japan


April 2024–March 2027
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Grant Number: 24K16919)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
August 2021–March 2025
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (Grant Number: 21K20324)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
April 2018–March 2021
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Grant Number: 18J20418)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


September 2020
MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prize for Encouragement of Young Researchers
The Mathematical Society of Japan


August 2024
Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2024
Osaka Metropolitan University
April 2024–
Fukuoka Complex Analysis Seminar
Kyushu University & Fukuoka Institute of Technology
October 2021–March 2024
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Kyoto University


Lectures at Kyushu University:
October 2024–March 2025
Survey in Mathematics IV, Exercise
Department of Mathematics
April 2024–September 2024
Survey in Mathematics II, Exercise
Department of Mathematics
April 2024–September 2024
Mathematics Perspective I
Department of Mathematics
Lectures at Kyoto University:
April 2023–September 2023
Function Theory of a Complex Variable
Faculty of Science
April 2023–September 2023
Exercises in Analysis I
Faculty of Science
April 2023–September 2023
Calculus with Exercises A (T18)
Liberal Arts and General Education Courses
April 2023–September 2023
Calculus with Exercises A (T21)
Liberal Arts and General Education Courses
April 2022–September 2022
Function Theory of a Complex Variable
Faculty of Science
April 2022–September 2022
Exercises in Analysis I
Faculty of Science
April 2022–September 2022
Calculus with Exercises A (T1)
Liberal Arts and General Education Courses
April 2022–September 2022
Calculus with Exercises A (T3)
Liberal Arts and General Education Courses
October 2021–March 2022
Calculus with Exercises B (A1/A2)
Liberal Arts and General Education Courses
April 2021–September 2021
Exercises in Analysis I
Faculty of Science
April 2021–September 2021
Calculus with Exercises A (T1)
Liberal Arts and General Education Courses
April 2021–September 2021
Calculus with Exercises A (T3)
Liberal Arts and General Education Courses
Teaching Assistant at Graduate School of Science, Osaka University:
April 2020–September 2020
Advanced Complex Analysis (Exercise Session)
Lecturer: Shinpei Baba
October 2019–March 2020
Geometry 2 (Exercise Session)
Lecturer: Yasuhiro Hara
October 2019–March 2020
Geometry 1 (Exercise Session)
Lecturer: Yoshihiko Matsumoto
April 2019–September 2019
Advanced Complex Analysis (Exercise Session)
Lecturer: Katsutoshi Yamanoi
April 2019–September 2019
Advanced Calculus (Exercise Session)
Lecturer: Takahisa Inui
October 2018–March 2019
Complex Analysis (Exercise Session)
Lecturer: Hideaki Sunagawa
April 2018–September 2018
Point-Set Topology and Multivariable Calculus (Exercise Session)
Lecturer: Kazuki Tokimoto
Teaching Assistant at Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Osaka University:
October 2017–March 2018
Calculus B (Problem Session)
Lecturer: Naotake Takao
April 2017–September 2017
Calculus A (Problem Session)
Lecturer: Naotake Takao